Don’t let that dead vegetation in your yard be a hazard come fire season.

What do you do with it all?

Wildland fuels can accumulate rapidly on the west side of the Cascades, and it can be logistically challenging and expensive to deal with. Our partners are happy to assist through a number of programs and initiative to help make it easier to keep your property Firewise.

Mitigation Contractors

One of our missions is to empower homeowners to perform work on their own properties. We also know not everyone is going to be able to wield a chainsaw or feed a chipper, or would feel safer leaving that to trained professionals.

We have put together a list of mitigation service providers to and other support organizations to help mitigate the hazards in our community.

AntFarm Fuels Mitigation Services

AntFarm Youth services has been leading the charge in home assessments and defensible space treatments in the Partnership area. They are expanding their service to other areas in Clackamas County south of the Mt Hood Corridor.

Safe Pile Burning Workshops

Every year dozens escaped piles result in destructive wildfires. With a little care and planning, and following open burning best practices it is possible to safely dispose of woody debris that would otherwise be a hazard in fire season.

Our partners provide workshops in safe burning best practices include proper stacking for thorough combustion, what tools to have on hand, monitoring of atmospheric conditions that could lead to fire escapes, and proper extinguishment techniques.