Protecting where we live, work, and play.

When you live in wild places, wildfires are inevitable, but loss of a home is not. With the proper preparations we can live with wildfire.

Our mission is to foster long term community cohesion through sustainable and resilient wildfire risk adaptation in the Mt. Hood Corridor areas. This will be accomplished through collaborated education, outreach, prevention, planning, and mitigation efforts. 

Give your home the best chance of surviving by hardening your home against wildfire and cleaning up the Home Ignition Zone.

The Home Ignition Zone(HIZ) is defined as the home and everything around it out to 100 feet (more on steeper slopes). Request a free structure vulnerability assessment today.

You’ve cleaned up the yard, now what do you do with the debris? We can help.

The Partnership is working to help homeowners remove their woody debris by providing onsite chipper services, roadside woody debris collection, and public debris drop-off sites, and safe burning education.

Evacuation planning.

Under extreme conditions things can happen quite rapidly. You may not have much, if any notice of a rapidly advancing fire in your area. Do you have an evacuation plan?

Communications during PSPS.

If not for Portland General Electric’s Public Safety Power Shutoff during the 202 Labor Day Fires, the Hwy 26 corridor may well look like the Clackamas River draining. But the shutoffs are a double edge sword. The cell towers in Oregon only have battery backup for about 3 days. During the 2020 Labor Day Fires the power was off for 8 days, leaving those who rely on cell phone to be without communications. What can we do about this?

Wildfire preparedness is a community effort. Let’s collaborate.

If you are interested in participating in the Partnership, or wonder how the lessons we’ve learned might benefit your community or organization, we’d love to hear from you.