What makes a property hazardous when it comes to wildfire?

The Mt. Hood Corridor Wildfire Partnership will be hosting a monthly science-based series, Mt. Hood Science Night, and the first speaker will be on March 5. Andy McEvoy, Faculty Research Assistant, Oregon State University will be talking about Wildfire Risk in Western Oregon: Understanding the Present and Planning for the Future.

McEvoy will explain why the Mt. Hood area is considered high hazard and help residents to understand what type of fires are possible in the future. Participants will be able to ask an OSU scientist questions about these trends.

The Mt. Hood area is in the Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) and the mountain environment is rapidly changing. This series will delve deep into the science behind the changes, specific to Mt. Hood. The Wildfire Partnership has provided information on home hardening and fire mitigation through the Homeowners Workshops and the burn events in the past.

Mt. Hood Science Night will be held on the first Wednesday of the month, from 6-7:30 PM. Rendezvous Grill, 67149 US 26, Welches, OR 97067 is hosting these events. Mt. Hood Science Nights are free and all-age events, sponsored by the Mt. Hood Corridor Wildfire Partnership.