Fire on the Mountain Film Festival

On Sunday October 15, 2023 approximately 90 local residents and visitors attended the Fire on the Mountain Film Festival at Timberline Lodge, supported by over 20 partners of the Mt. Hood Corridor Wildfire Partnership & wildfire resilience partners from Hood River county.

The goals of the event were for attendees to learn about 1) the factors that have influenced changes to wildfire patterns, behavior, and outcomes in NW Oregon, 2) how coalitions of agencies and organizations are coming together around Mt. Hood to support landscape and community resilience to wildfire, and 3) how residents can be part of the solution by preparing their families, homes, and properties for wildfires, power shut-offs, and evacuations.

Of the 22 attendees who took the post-event survey, all said they learned something about the factors contributing to the wildfire challenge, including 77% saying they learned “a lot”. Regarding the role of agency coalitions to address the wildfire challenge, all but one respondent said they earned a little (4%), a moderate amount (27%), or a lot (64%). Additionally, 91% of respondents said they were “extremely likely” to take one mitigation action as a result of their experience at the film festival.

This event was supported by 20 partners who helped to organize the event, serve as panelists, provide informational tables, and take on other roles. Of the 13 partners who took the post-event partner survey, 100% strongly agreed that the event was worth the time and resource investment for their organization.


Mt. Hood Corridor Wildfire Mitigation Fair